Stock Transfers
Thank you for considering us as the recipient of your charitable gift in the form of a stock transfer.
Did you know?
• Giving the gift of publicly traded stock that has increased in value and that you have owned for more than one year may provide better tax benefits than giving cash.
• Your charitable income tax deduction is equal to the fair market value of the stock and you avoid paying the capital gains tax on any increase in the current value over the original cost of the stock.
• You may also save on brokerage fees because you are transferring ownership rather than selling the stock.
If you would like to make a donation of stock to Newburgh Creates Foundation (tax ID# 92-3948584), please note the following:
Brokerage House: ?.
Account Name: Newburgh Creates Foundation Inc.
Account Number:
Financial Advisor: Golden Bay Advisors
Telephone Number: (914) 215-0194
DTC Number:
Reference: Donor Name (Including your name will ensure the gift is properly acknowledged.)
As donor information in electronic transfers of stock are not always complete, please fill out the below to notify Newburgh Creates Foundation of your gift and help ensure it is both processed and acknowledged accurately.